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What are the processing range of metal laser cutting machine?

Release time:2024.04.22 Browse:113

Metal laser cutting machine has many distinctive advantages, among them, the rich variety of processing materials is one of the big advantages of metal laser cutting machine, excellent metal laser cutting machine can make our production and processing become very convenient. Below, we will introduce you to the specific advantages of the metal laser cutting machine are:

(1) Because of the contactless processing, and the metal laser cutting machine laser beam energy and moving speed are adjustable, so it can achieve a variety of processing.

(2) Can be used to process a variety of metals, especially can be processed high hardness, high brittleness and high melting point of the material.

(3) Metal laser cutting machine laser processing process without "tool" wear, no "cutting force" on the workpiece.

(4) laser processing of the workpiece heat-affected zone is small, small thermal deformation of the workpiece, follow-up processing is small.

(5) metal laser cutting machine laser can be transparent medium for a variety of workpiece processing in a closed container.

(6) The laser is easy to guide. Through focusing can be achieved in all directions of transformation, extremely easy to cooperate with the CNC system, for complex workpiece processing, therefore, metal laser cutting machine laser cutting is an extremely flexible cutting processing method.